Our first CG camp for W16 & E13.. This 3 days was really great.
I can say that it's was successful. Even thou there are some loopholes & flaws, but overall we all did well & everyone did their part to be involved as a family.
I'm working on the first day so only manage to join them during after office hours. When i reach there, they are abt to start the treasure hunt & im suppose to be one of the station master. So after ber & zhao gave their briefing, all respective teams started their quest to finish the game first. Can see most of them really enjoy the games and they are all doing great for the games.
One of the treasure hunt station

We call it a day after 3 hours of Treasure Hunt. Although thats the end of the day, but lots of funny things took place.. A few cockroaches created an up-roar in one of the rooms. LoL..
Day 2, we woke up around 8am to have our breakfast at a near-by market & followed by Prayer Meeting at 9am. On the first day, Sinman & Kaili shared sermon to the CG and today was Daowen's turn to lead Prayer Meeting. Ber starts off with Praise & worship then followed by Prayer meeting.

After the Prayer Meeting, it's Ber & Zhao's turn to share sermon with the CG and both of them did a tremendous job.. They preach well..

Right after the meeting, we had half an hour rest before we proceed with one of the highlight of the day. Which is the "Shi Zhi Lu Kou". So of the teams are very fast in completing the game.
After the game, we got another time of sharing & now it's my turn to share with the members on moving in the Gifts of the Spirit. Taught them how to Prophecy with one another by learning how to listen to God's voice & by faith that God is speaking thru them to edify the person they partner with.
Second thing is on singing in tongues & singing in understanding. It takes more faith to interprete singing in tongues to singing in understanding. Also it will take a long time if all members are to try it one by one. Then i asked 6 core members to demo to everyone how it is like to move in the interpreation of tongues. Overall i felt it turn out quite well.
Once finished, the caterer came and all the members are told to start changing into their costumes for the Rock concert at nite.
We all had a grest time listening to Valor's preaching, Zhao & Adrain's testimony & also the carolling Team.
One of the interesting part is during the make-up game.
All the 5 representatives from various groups came up with their 21st Century Christmas Tree.

Also presenting to you.. Our own groomed Mr & Ms Rocker

Before we call it a day, our last highlights of the day was gift hunting.
Everyone gave a present and during the games, all their presents was being hidden all around the house. So after the games, each one gets to pick a number and proceed to hunt for their hidden gifts. So are real easy to find but there are some which took them almost an hour to find it..
Everyone had their fun for the day & seeing that everyone starts to get to know each other better, was the most happiest thing to wish for.
Around 11pm, i bid farewell as i need to work on the next day. So i missed out the power-pack 3rd day.
3rd day, there's a slot for ministering period by valor. Humm...
Heard that those who are around was blessed & many was touched by the presence of God & some had Holy Laughter.
What a good way to end our year 2007. And i believed 2008 will be a good start for both W16 & E13.
Thank You Lord for making all this possible, even thou many members has busy schedule & programmes queuing up till the end of the year.
Praise God