Pursuing Degree
After almost 2 yrs of break, I've decided to go back to sch and pursue my Degree in Logistics Management with Kaplan.
I'll soon get my student pass and able to buy student meals at Mac.. Yeah.. LoL
Anyway it's a Bachelor of Science with Honors.
National University of Ireland, Dublin aka University of College Dublin is the Uni I'm in. Yeah..
The sch crest even have the logo of the Guinness Stout beer.

Cool right.. LoL
The story of the logo are as follow:
Dublin is holding the Undisputable Can Drink Competition.
So on the final day of competition, 3 contestants were to finished 200 bottles of Guinness Stout beers within 2 hours.
After a tough fight, the winners each received the 1st, 2nd & 3rd prices accordingly.
All 3 of them are awarded with a castle with the 3rd getting the smaller ones and the 1st got the biggest castle.
Then it happen that the 2nd runner up arrived at his home and burp when he is lighting his cigar which came in contact with his alcoholic gases being expose to fire and resulted in the fire blowers stance which burn the house down.
At the same time, the 1st runner up arrived at his home and he vomited when he is trying to cook supper which resulted those crap from his stomach caught fire which burn the house down.
It happen the same to the winner as he was passing by and saw 2 other castle was brightly lit(he was too drunk to notice that the light was actually fire) and his castle does not have a light so he went over to borrow some light which caught himself on fire and he ran home to lit it before the light burns off.
I know it's not funny and super lame.. Nvm..
It's my sch
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